Boost [THC Distillate Glass Syringe Pink Kush 1000mg]


Boost [THC Distillate Glass Syringe Pink Kush 1000mg] B

Pink Kush, as coveted as its OG Kush relative, is an Indica-dominant hybrid with powerful body-focused effects. In its exceptional variations, pink hairs burst from bright green buds barely visible under a blanket of sugar-like trichomes, with traces of sweet vanilla and candy perfume. The potency of this strain could be considered overpowering, and even small doses are known to eliminate pain, insomnia, and appetite loss. Our Boost THC Distillate Syringes are 1000mg Luer lock Glass syringes, containing high potency Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol. Recommended Usage: THC Distillate can be very thick and hard to get out of the syringe at room temperature. If you run it under hot water or use a hair/blow dryer on it then it comes out smooth.


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30 350.00


Pink Kush, as coveted as its OG Kush relative, is an Indica-dominant hybrid with powerful body-focused effects. In its exceptional variations, pink hairs burst from bright green buds barely visible under a blanket of sugar-like trichomes, with traces of sweet vanilla and candy perfume. The potency of this strain could be considered overpowering, and even small doses are known to eliminate pain, insomnia, and appetite loss. Our Boost THC Distillate Syringes are 1000mg Luer lock Glass syringes, containing high potency Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol. Recommended Usage: THC Distillate can be very thick and hard to get out of the syringe at room temperature. If you run it under hot water or use a hair/blow dryer on it then it comes out smooth.

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